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sabato, Febbraio 15, 2025

RIVISTA Plurisettimanale Online > Registr. Trib. PE n. 02/2016 ISSN 2611-626X editata da DOMUS EUROPA_Centro Studi di Geocultura

Mattarella, il patto Molotov-Ribbentrop e la ricerca della pace senza cedere alla dittatura

Del discorso pronunciato dal Presidente della Repubblica...

Trump contro i Brics: un boomerang

"Chiederemo ai paesi Brics, apparentemente ostili, di...

Tag: Hilarion

Pope Francis’ visit to Hungary: “More Creative Work for Peace needed”

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich The apostolic trip of Pope Francis to Hungary’s capital Budapest (April 28/29 /30) has been one of the most impressive visits by...

Russian/Ukrainian War: reviewing the background while looking for solutions

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich In light of the huge chorus of the Western Alliance that followed President Biden’s attacks against Russian President Vladimir Putin for having...

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