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RIVISTA Plurisettimanale Online > Registr. Trib. PE n. 02/2016 ISSN 2611-626X editata da DOMUS EUROPA_Centro Studi di Geocultura

Trump contro i Brics: un boomerang

"Chiederemo ai paesi Brics, apparentemente ostili, di...

Tag: war

Book Review: Pope Francis: “Hope” – The Autobiography

The autobiography, written by Pope Francis together with Carlo Musso, was published by Kösel publishing House 2025. It comprises 25 chapters that vividly trace...

Geopolitical Consequences of the Ukraine War: A new Multipolar World Order emerging

Elisabeth Hellenbroich In the recent weeks new developments have occurred, which signal that the loudly proclaimed “Rules based Order” in response to the Russian- Ukraine...

Russia-Ukraine war: The irresponsible behavior of the German mainstream press

by Elisabeth Ellenbrouch End of August a book written by the German philosopher David Precht as well as the Honorary Professor and Social Scientist Harold...

Armenian Genocide: Reflections on the Lausanne Treaty when War rages in Ukraine

by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach This year’s central commemoration of the Armenian genocide was held in the historic Paulskirche in Frankfurt, organized by the Diocese of the...

How the West failed in Afghanistan 

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich Recently a book was published in Germany by Michael Lüders Hybris am Hindukusch – Wie der Westen in Afghanistan scheiterte (Hybris at...

War in Ukraine and the problems deriving from a weaker autocracy

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich While the atrocious war in Ukraine is being fought, causing great losses of innocent civilians and soldiers as well as immense material...

Russian/Ukrainian War: reviewing the background while looking for solutions

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich In light of the huge chorus of the Western Alliance that followed President Biden’s attacks against Russian President Vladimir Putin for having...

An Offensive in a War of Ideas. Staying on the defensive is inopportune in the modern world

Sergei Karaganov I hesitated for a long time whether I should publish this article. It turned out to be quite harsh. But the unfolding multilevel...

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