In a recent Spiegel magazine (Nr 34,17.08.24) the lead article was published under the title “How Fascism begins” with the byline “The secret Hitlers”...
By E. Hellenbroich
The well-known German General Erich Vad (former military consultant of Chancellor A. Merkel who works today as consultant and published in May...
Elisabeth Hellenbroich
As of this writing, the 75th anniversary celebration of NATO in Washington (July 9-12th), having been planned to affirm NATO’s superiority over Russia,...
By Elisabeth Hellenbroich
On May 30th former NATO Military Commission Chairman German General Harald Kujat in a short interview to “Preußische Allgemeine Zeitung” warned about...
By Elisabeth Hellenbroich
On May 21rst US Treasury Secretary J. Yellen, at the occasion of receiving the honorary doctor from the “Frankfurt School of Finance...
By Elisabeth Hellenbroich
On April 16th an insightful presentation was given by the well- known US expert and author of several books, Dr. Josef Braml...
By Elisabeth Hellenbroich
This year’s World Economic Forum (Davos, January 15- 19), that gathered more than 1200 business leaders and political representatives, was organized under...
By Elisabeth Hellenbroich
In a recent comment that was written January 11, 2024 by Prof. Anatol Lieven from the American neocon “Quincy Institute for Responsible...
By Elisabeth Hellenbroich
On December 6th the US Congress blocked an emergency spending bill for Ukraine and Israel ($ 106 billion - 61,4bn Dollars for...