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RIVISTA Plurisettimanale Online > Registr. Trib. PE n. 02/2016 ISSN 2611-626X editata da DOMUS EUROPA_Centro Studi di Geocultura

“Non chiedermi chi sono”. Un romanzo femminile ma non per sole donne

di Amalia Michea È importante chiarire fin dall’inizio...

Scoprendo il vaso di Pandora del razzismo e del colonialismo russo

Tutti attenti come siamo alle vicende belliche...


Perché Israele (e l’Occidente) stanno perdendo la guerra di Gaza

Il 7 ottobre 2023 Hamas ha lanciato un attacco terroristico contro lo Stato ebraico che ha fatto 1.139 vittime e ha portato al rapimento di 233 ostaggi, di cui...

“Non chiedermi chi sono”. Un romanzo femminile ma non per sole donne

di Amalia Michea È importante chiarire fin dall’inizio che il romanzo “Non chiedermi chi sono”...

Scoprendo il vaso di Pandora del razzismo e del colonialismo russo

Tutti attenti come siamo alle vicende belliche in Ucraina, si tende a dimenticare che...

I conti della guerra. Dopo l’attacco iraniano a Israele tornano di moda le armi laser?

Tra un miliardo e un miliardo e 350 milioni di dollari: questo il costo...

The way Architecture influences our bodies and minds

With the consent of the Author, we reproduce here the article, already published in...

Pope Francis: “Life – My history within history”

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich End of March 2024 a new book got published by Pope Francis under the title: Life. My history in the context of...

Turning point in the Russian/Ukraine war nearing? The courage to choose dialogue

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich There has been rarely such a heated debate as the one which broke out after “Vatican News” and other European and US...

“Europeanization” of the Ukraine war: A trigger for all-out war?

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich The author of this article recently listened to a speech that was given by a former US diplomat in Germany. He presented...

About the Ukraine war raging in the midst of Europe: The “truth gap”

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich This year’s World Economic Forum (Davos, January 15- 19), that gathered more than 1200 business leaders and political representatives, was organized under...

New Approach to the Ukraine tragedy: Ukraine should be bridge between East and West

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich In a recent comment that was written January 11, 2024 by Prof. Anatol Lieven from the American neocon “Quincy Institute for Responsible...

Premisas para un diálogo interreligioso

Pablo Sanz Bayón* En agosto del año 2011, con ocasión de un viaje a la India, en el que participé como cooperante en un proyecto...

L’Impero dei fiori. Gli inglesi in Liguria, ville e giardini, poeti e sognatori

Paolo L. Bernardini Vi sono, in tempi malinconici, almeno per alcuni, di Brexit, o post-Brexit, infiniti motivi per leggere, godendosi le straordinarie immagini che lo...

Ukraine war: Waning support in the US

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich On December 6th the US Congress blocked an emergency spending bill for Ukraine and Israel ($ 106 billion - 61,4bn Dollars for...

Insegnanti: le ragioni della frustrazione. Lettera aperta al ministro Valditara

Riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo la lettera aperta di un'insegnante, la Prof.ssa Ester Intra, al ministro dell'Istruzione e del Merito, Prof. Giuseppe Valditara. Una denuncia...

Sensational Testimony at UN Security Council: US Economist Jeffrey Sachs on ending the Wars

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich During a brief testimony that was given November 20th by the well- known US economist and public policy analyst Prof. Jeffrey Sachs...

Pope Francis’ urgent call for peace: “Brothers stop. Stop!”

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich On October 22nd Pope Francis in a dramatic appeal at St. Peter’s square made reference to the ongoing Israel- Palestine conflict by...

Valdai Discussion Club 20th anniversary: How to develop “Civilization State” in future?

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich This year’s Valdai Discussion Forum (October 2-5, 2023) took place at the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Valdai Discussion Club,...

The West and Russia: Threats and Counter-Threats

By E. Hellenbroich Two weeks ago John Kornblum, former US Ambassador in Germany (1997-2001), published a somewhat incoherent and confused commentary in Die Welt under...

Secretary of State A. Blinken speech at John Hopkins SAIS: Reassertion of the U.S. hegemonic role in a collapsing world?

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich In the days leading up to the annual UN plenary session that is going to assemble heads of states, ministers and delegates...

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