Come viene ripetuto in maniera ormai ossessiva,...
Bonnie James
Bonnie James is the former managing editor of Executive Intelligence Review/EIR; she is an art historian and writer, and currently lives in Leesburg, Va., with her husband Fletcher, two dogs and a cat.
by Bonnie James
April 10, 2021 (Leesburg, Virginia) - President Joe Biden has vowed to enact a massive infrastructure and jobs program, to begin virtually...
By Bonnie James
Domestic Policy: A Dedication to the Common Good
The President wasted no time in getting to work. Focusing primarily on domestic issues, especially...
by Bonnie James
Nov. 13 - Following the long months of campaigning, as the coronavirus surged across the landscape, snaring even the incumbent President and...
By Bonnie James.
It’s a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions: A vulnerable young woman seeks the love and approval of her powerful family’s cruel pater familias...
By Bonnie James*
The civil unrest that has engulfed dozens of US cities since the Memorial Day murder by Minneapolis police of an unarmed, 46-year-old...