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RIVISTA Plurisettimanale Online > Registr. Trib. PE n. 02/2016 ISSN 2611-626X editata da DOMUS EUROPA_Centro Studi di Geocultura

Aspettando Trump o aspettando Godot?

Come viene ripetuto in maniera ormai ossessiva,...

Bonnie James

Bonnie James is the former managing editor of Executive Intelligence Review/EIR; she is an art historian and writer, and currently lives in Leesburg, Va., with her husband Fletcher, two dogs and a cat.

USA Facing Midterms with Trepidation as Trump looms on the horizon

by Bonnie James October 13—As we peer ahead into the next several weeks before the Midterms Nov. 8, polls show that more than 40% of...

A Tribute to Ulysses S. Grant on the 200th Anniversary of His Birth

by Bonnie James "The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike...

Ulysses S. Grant, the American President who defeated the KKK

By Bonnie James In honor of the birthday, April 27, 1822, of the renowned American Civil War hero and two-term President Ulysses S. Grant, we...

Biden Proclaims a `Once-in-a Generation Investment in America’

by Bonnie James April 10, 2021 (Leesburg, Virginia) - President Joe Biden has vowed to enact a massive infrastructure and jobs program, to begin virtually...

Biden Administration: the First Steps in Domestic and Foreign Policy

By Bonnie James Domestic Policy: A Dedication to the Common Good The President wasted no time in getting to work. Focusing primarily on domestic issues, especially...

America at the Crossroads: Can Biden Rescue the USA?

By Bonnie James When Joe Biden walked into the Oval Office following his inauguration as the 46th President of the United States, one of the...

Dante Alighieri's Concept of Statecraft And the Lorenzetti Frescoes in Siena

by Bonnie James The following article was originally published on June 28, 1999 in The New Federalist. It is reproduced here with minor editing by...

Dante Alighieri’s Concept of Statecraft And the Lorenzetti Frescoes in Siena

by Bonnie James The following article was originally published on June 28, 1999 in The New Federalist. It is reproduced here with minor editing by...

Understanding the US Elections: Why Are They So Crazy?

Leesburg (Va) Nov. 22, 2020 - The first thing to know is that our national elections are highly decentralized, with differing laws, practices, and...

The 2020 US Presidential Election: Transition, or a Slow-Motion Coup?

by Bonnie James Nov. 13 - Following the long months of campaigning, as the coronavirus surged across the landscape, snaring even the incumbent President and...

Mary Trump Unleashes the Erinyes Against Her Uncle

By Bonnie James. It’s a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions: A vulnerable young woman seeks the love and approval of her powerful family’s cruel pater familias...

Carpe Momentum! A Call for a National Infrastructure Bank

By Bonnie James It’s official: The US entered a recession in February. In the ensuing months, more than 40 million Americans lost their jobs as...

America’s Summer of Discontent. Will We Forge a New Beginning?

By Bonnie James* The civil unrest that has engulfed dozens of US cities since the Memorial Day murder by Minneapolis police of an unarmed, 46-year-old...

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