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venerdì, Gennaio 24, 2025

RIVISTA Plurisettimanale Online > Registr. Trib. PE n. 02/2016 ISSN 2611-626X editata da DOMUS EUROPA_Centro Studi di Geocultura

Alcune osservazioni su Trump2, McKinley revival

Eccoci dunque alla nuova presidenza Trump. Aprendo...

L’era dei naufragi. Un romanzo-meditazione di Leonardo Conti

Le persone muoiono. I personaggi restano nel...

Tag: Macron

Macrons China Visit: The Vision of Sovereign Europe

Elisabeth Hellenbroich During his state visit (April 7-9) in China French President Emanuel Macron was received cordially by the Chinese President Xi Jinping and some...

President Macron’s Bold Vision for the Future: Expand Production of Small Nuclear Power Plants

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich During the last weeks Europe has been hit by a sharp increase in energy prices (above all oil, gas and electricity).  This...

Vertice di Parigi sull’Africa: basterà la buona volontà?

Mario Lettieri e Paolo Raimondi I cambiamenti veri in campo economico e politico non si misurano con gli aggettivi ma con azioni concrete. Quando...

The Need for a new Security Architecture

Elisabeth Hellenbroich A new book was published 25th January 2021 by former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD) and his interlocutor history Prof. Gregor Schöllgen. The...

Lessons of London Debt Conference 1953: The EU is sharing a Common Destiny

Elisabeth Hellenbroich On April 23rd the EU heads of states had an exchange of views during a four hour “Video conference” in order to consult...

Decreto 31 gennaio 2020: è crisi della democrazia?

Solo attorno al 20 marzo nei canali delle varie reti è corsa la notizia che la Gazzetta Ufficiale del 1 febbraio 2020 pubblicava un...

New geostrategic outline by the French President: Why is Macron attacked?

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich In a prelude to the NATO Heads of State and Government summit that will take place in London December 3 to 4,...

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