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giovedì, Gennaio 23, 2025

RIVISTA Plurisettimanale Online > Registr. Trib. PE n. 02/2016 ISSN 2611-626X editata da DOMUS EUROPA_Centro Studi di Geocultura

Alcune osservazioni su Trump2, McKinley revival

Eccoci dunque alla nuova presidenza Trump. Aprendo...

L’era dei naufragi. Un romanzo-meditazione di Leonardo Conti

Le persone muoiono. I personaggi restano nel...

Tag: Pandemic

Carpe Momentum! A Call for a National Infrastructure Bank

By Bonnie James It’s official: The US entered a recession in February. In the ensuing months, more than 40 million Americans lost their jobs as...

Epidemics in Modern Asia. A book by Robert Peckham

Epidemics have played a critical role in shaping modern Asia. In the book "Epidemics in Modern Asia. New Approaches to Asian History", Robert Peckham, encompassing...

War against the Pandemic: Macron’s and Merkel’s mobilization Whatever it takes…

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich Since the outbreak of the corona virus Covid 19 in China, beginning of this year, the epicenter of the pandemic right now...

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